Sanjay Srivastava is Chief Digital Strategist at Genpact and previously a Chief Digital Officer, a CEO, and serial tech entrepreneur. Sanjay is deeply rooted in the innovation ecosystem and advises Genpact’s largest global clients on digital transformation at the intersection of people process data and technology.
Before Genpact, Sanjay built four startups – in edge networking, data center automation, algorithmic software, and enterprise SaaS that were acquired by Akamai, BMC, FIS, and Genpact, respectively. Sanjay is a board advisor to several AI startups and a tech incubator, and a limited partner in digital-focused venture funds at Masa Group Ventures.
Sanjay earned his graduate degree at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis and his undergraduate degree at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and studied at the executive education programs at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School and at Stanford University. He is based in Seattle, WA.